So glad you stopped by! Welcome to my little corner of the web and thank you for gracing my doorstep. Please pull up a chair and make yourself comfortable.
This little site is still in its infant stages. I used to have a wonderful site my daughter created for me, but time has passed and everything has evolved quickly. It was easier to start a new site than "update" the old. Eventually this site will evolve. I will be adding a blog of How to's (decor I have created for my preschool class or my creations), photography and whatever comes along. As of this nanosecond 4/8/17 12:30 PM, it contains: some of my past creations, my blog and my latest page, Black Birds (photos of my dark little friends). For those of you that like OOAK (Original One of a Kind) Curious Goods, anything otherworldly, Halloweeney, spooky, strange, unusual, off the beaten path, eclectic, you have come to the right place as I have creatures that will gladly come and live with you! Please check out my store on Ebay and Etsy!
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