Mr. VaRnEy the VuLtUrE-uNdErtAkEr and MorTiCiAn, he Helps kEEp the StrEEts CleaN!
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Good Ole Mr. Varney. He has been around for many years. He is the Head Mortician and Undertaker in the fair city of Ravensclaw. Population 101 minus 1 as of yesterday. Somehow the streets always seemed to get littered with humans in various stages of, well, let's say, melt down. Every once in a while he finds a whole one and then he can use his magical skills to "clean 'em up," for viewing. Most of the time well, check out under his talons....
Mr. V is made of paper mache' and loving painted a dark shade of noir. He measures about 9 inches tall and is ready to do business in your town. He is painted with black acrylic paint with gray eyes and beak. He sports his favorite top hat adorned with a festive orange Halloween ribbon To finish off his ensemble are various sized skulls of white and orange.
Mr. V is made of paper mache' and loving painted a dark shade of noir. He measures about 9 inches tall and is ready to do business in your town. He is painted with black acrylic paint with gray eyes and beak. He sports his favorite top hat adorned with a festive orange Halloween ribbon To finish off his ensemble are various sized skulls of white and orange.